Doctorat / PhD (Valo Doc Louvain)
Ressources relatives aux différentes facettes du doctorat / Resources on the different aspects of the PhD
PhD project-planning quick-start | Tress Academic
Plan your PhD project and increase your chance of a successful completion. Get our free worksheet: 6 steps to outline your own plan without struggle.
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Identify your top PhD priority to boost your progress | Tress Academic
Do you know what matters most in your PhD? We help you identify your most important tasks, so you can make better progress and enhance scientific impact.
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How I tackled post-PhD imposter syndrome
Kelsey Inouye’s job search gave her panic attacks and dented her self-esteem. But she learnt to take rejection in her stride.
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Developing and Maintaining a Professional Network during the PhD and beyond
Establishing and maintaining a professional network is essential for doctoral candidates – not only while studying, but also for their professional future whether in the private sector or in academia, as we recently discussed in one of our last posts . Networking is based on sharing and exchange, voluntary collaboration and the principle of reciprocity. It allows you to develop your career and to create cooperative partnerships during the entire professional life, and not only just after the end of the PhD. In addition, discussing and collaborating with colleagues from different cultures and backgrounds is an extremely enriching experience for your own personal development. Here, we propose some suggestions and ideas to proactively build, grow and maintain a professional network. Please also note that a specific Transversal Program workshop ( Proactive Managing Relationships and Networks ) has been conceived to improve your skills in networking!
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Time Management Tips for Your PhD
During a PhD, time always feels scarce and the days seem to fly by pretty quickly. Combining this with the pressure of the number of things you have to accomplish, the need to achieve a high standard and perhaps a certain lack of clear guidance, you may easily feel stressed. Moreover, completing a PhD is usually an individual process where your progress mostly depends on your own motivation and your organizational skills. For sure, having good time management strategies can be vital and may help reduce anxieties. Time management is all about to make the most efficient and effective use of the time you have, and allows you to deal with your duties, to meet deadlines, and to progress towards achieving your private and professional goals.
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Syndrome de la page blanche ? Quelques conseils pour avancer dans la rédaction de votre thèse
Demeurer devant une page blanche pendant des minutes, des heures, des jours... ou ne rédiger qu'un petit paragraphe dans une journée entière parce que vous effacez et réécrivez chaque phrase que vous tapez. Quel chercheur·e en début de carrière n'a pas été confronté·e à ces problèmes ? Bien que la publication d’articles scientifiques reste l'une des clés fondamentales pour la réussite d’une carrière académique, la plupart des chercheurs et chercheuses ne reçoivent aucune formation à l’écriture, ce qui peut rendre la rédaction de leur thèse stressante et inefficace...
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10 leçons à retenir de "You and Your PhD" de Monika Janfelt
Pour mieux orienter notre offre, en début d’année nous avons lancé une enquête auprès de la communauté des doctorant·e·s CUSO. Afin d’encourager le plus grand nombre de réponses, les personnes qui allaient au bout du questionnaire avaient la possibilité de gagner (par tirage au sort) un exemplaire de You and Your Phd, le récent ouvrage de Monika Janfelt ( ) concernant la préparation de la carrière pour les doctorant·e·s.
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Conseils à un doctorant débutant - Réussir sa thèse
Quand on commence sa thèse, on se sent perdu. Par quoi commencer ? Comment s'organiser ? Voici des conseils indispensables pour les doctorants débutants.
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